
I am a glass artist, self taught with the help of a few good books and a handful of amazing artists, Mikyoung Jung, Silvia Levenson, Rudi Gritsch and Karl Harron are a few.  They kindly share their knowledge teaching masterclasses around the world.  Go have a peek at their work, they all have different ways of working with glass.

A good word to associate with working with glass is focus.  I so often loose myself when forming ideas for a new piece.  Making sample after sample until I can get the feeling attached to my idea into the glass in front of me.  This repetitiveness calms my mind, slowly reducing the chaotic noise of an idea into a simple beautiful note.

My long time love of gardening and passion for fabrics are huge influences in my work.  I think you will spot these as you wander through my galleries.

My roots are in Lancashire, I ventured to the middle east for several years and have now happily settled with my husband in Oxfordshire.  Here I have a studio in Marcham, an expanding village managing to hold onto its valuable community spirit.  And here is my wonderful helper, guide, aide, shoulder and general calming influence …..

Hi there, I’m Karen, daughter of the talented Pip Stacey. My base is in Lincolnshire where I live with my other half and our son. We have a small holding in a lovely rural village where we are lucky enough to have our animals and plenty of space for growing our own fruit and vegetables. I am currently helping mum from afar, but I’m sure we will be working together soon.

Member of :

Contemporary Glass Society

Federation of Small Businesses
